
Welcome to 2020 and our new Coordinator Maddie

Welcome back every-one our 1st newsletter for 2020. 
I hope every-one had a wonderful break and looking forward to 2020. I would like to welcome our NEW Co-Ordinator Maddison (Maddie), her smiling face will welcome you to the House, we will all get to know Maddie over the next few weeks. 

Our new programme is available located near our sign in sheets. 

Check online for our Web page or on our Facebook location, I would like to Thank Jill for her work keeping us up to date, most of our activities start back this week, come along and meet some new (or old) friends.

PLEASE don’t forget our farmers all donations are welcome we have our basket in the kitchen for all donations gratefully accepted.  Don’t forget the pets need our help as well.
We are also drop off, for Wildlife Warriors, who are helping animals caught up in the fires, both wildlife and domestic. Please check your cupboards  ALL  donations will be gratefully appreciate


Tech time 9  - 10.00pm. 
L.C.H. Solo Group 1-4pm.  
Ukulele Jam 1—4pm.                       


Greif & Loss Support Group  9.30—10.30  
Drawing & Painting Group 10-12noon.                                                                                Conversational Italian 1—4.30pm
Sewing  Patchwork Group 1-4pm 
Beginners Italian  2.30  - 3.30pm
Photography Group  7-9pm.


Wednesday Walkers 9.30-10.30am. 
Hatha Yoga (Intermediate) 10.30-11.30am.
Everyday philosophy  4.30-5.30pm.                                                                                 


Craft in Company 10-12noon.
Wonder Women Support Group 10 –12 noon. 
T.O.P.I.C. 12-2pm.                                                          


L.C.H.500 group 9.30-12noon
L.C.H. Solo Card Group 1-4.30pm 
Gold Coin donation for both sessions.   
Painting with Acrylics 10-12noon.$5.  
Beginners Spanish 2-3pm
LCH Friendship Group 6-8pm          


Travellers Spanish  10—11.30am
Come and pick up a newsletter at the house for all this information and more!!!

Thank you. TONI.


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