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Term 1, 2025

It’s hard to believe that we’re already starting the first term of 2025! We have an exciting lineup of events and programs planned, and we’d love for you to join us. We have some special events lined up this term, starting with the Carers Support Group Monthly Catch-Ups on 21st January. Additionally, our Positive Living Info Sessions will take place on 6th March, 20th March, and 3rd April.Our Out and About Bus Trips are back, offering popular day trips, as well as our regular Wednesday Per...

January 16, 2025

Term 4, 2024

Welcome to Term 4 at Leongatha Community House!  What a year it has been and it’s hard top believe we are heading into our last term of 2024 already!We are hoping you can make it along to our special events for Term 4 starting with the Carers Gratitude Lunch on Friday 18th October, then our 16 Days of Activism event on Friday 29th November and finishing with our Christmas Celebration on Friday 6th December.Our Out and About Bus trips are not slowing down in Term 4 with popular day trips, ...

September 17, 2024

Term 2, 2024 Program is out now.

Welcome to Leongatha Community House!We're thrilled to present our latest brochure, showcasing a diverse range of programs designed with our community in mind. From educational workshops to social gatherings, fitness classes to creative arts, there's something for everyone in our vibrant community.Don't forget to take advantage of our community bus, ensuring accessibility for all members of our community.Join us as we come together to learn, connect, and grow. We look forward to seeing you ...

March 29, 2024

Term 1 2024

Greetings everyone,I'm thrilled to draw your attention to our Community Bus services, prominently featured on page one of this terms program. We are excited to offer this service to Leongatha and the surrounding towns.However, to make this initiative truly impactful, we need your help in spreading the word. If you know a neighbor or friend who could benefit from this service, please take a moment to inform them.We're eager to hear your thoughts on how you envision the Community Bus being used. Y...

January 2, 2024

Term 4 2023

Hello everyone. My name in Christine and I will be managing the house until the end of 2023, while Maddison is on leave. Our term 4 program is looking very festive with some Christmas themed Workshops and classes running throughout the term.  Many of our popular classes are returning and we are trying out a few new additions.Tuesday’s from 4pm will see a new Women’s Self Defence Class—the first session will be at the introductory price of only $5! Come and give it a try! We ...

September 15, 2023

From the House manager, Christine.

Hello everyone.My name in Christine and I will be with you until the end of 2023, while Maddison is on leave.In our term 3 program many of our popular classes return and we have a few new additions. On Tuesday evening we have a Photography Class which has proved so popular it is currently booked out! We also have a new Kids Self Defense class for 12-15 year olds and we have started a Mahjong Group where all skill levels are welcome! Ring or drop in to register your interest.The centre is open 9....

June 30, 2023

Term 1, 2023 16th of Jan - 6th of April

From the Manager, I hope everyone had a happy & safe Christmas and New Year.We are so excited to announce due to a cancelled order we now have our brand new Community Bus! How would you like to see the bus used? Get in contact with us if you have any ideas you would like to share.I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the new Community House interim manager Nina, as I head off on maternity leave for most of 2023. Nina brings with her a wealth of knowledge and skills that will be ...

January 5, 2023

Term 4, 2022 7th of October - 20th of December

Welcome to term 4 of 2022, I cannot believe we are in the final term of the year!We are so happy we can finally announce we have been fortunate enough to receive two grants: one from the Stronger Communities Programme and the second from the Department of Victorian Transport. These grants will allow us to purchase a Community House bus, for the community.Unfortunately due to vehicle shortages we will not have the bus for a year but we will start consulting with the community in early 2023 to see...

September 27, 2022

Term 3, 2022 11th of July - 16th of September

Welcome to term 3 of 2022, again I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by. We have had a great start to the year, we are so thankful the community who continue to come and utilise this wonderful space. We would like to highlight the programs we are running this term for children; Kids Cooking, Sensory Play/Music, Art & Craft & the NDIS after school social group, you will find more information regarding these groups inside. I would like to thank our amazing Committee, Tutors & Volunte...

July 4, 2022

Welcome to term 2 of 2022

I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by so far. We have had a great start to the year resuming our ongoing programs and starting news ones like, Kids Cooking & our Learn local programs. I would like to thank our amazing Committee, Tutors & Volunteers without you all we would not be able to run LCH to the high standard we currently do. We are very excited that this year we will be delivering Learn Local courses here at Leongatha Community House in partnership with Manna Gum Community ...

April 13, 2022

From the Coordinatior Maddison Redpath

Welcome to term 1 of 2022, it was a crazy year to get to 2022, or should I say two years. Now we’re here I hope this year bring the much need consistency and normality most are craving. I would like to take this opportunity to thank a few people who were absolutely vital to the running of the Community House in 2022. Firstly, I would like to thank Trevar who was employed as the Assistant Program Coordinator who did a wonderful job on updating our policies and procedures as well as working on ...

January 18, 2022

Term 4 2021

It’s hard to believe we are in the last term of the year. This year so far, like last year, has come with it’s hurdles and challenges. It’s been great to see the community come together as one and support our local businesses, neighbours and each other.This term we have brought back some favourite workshops; Calligraphy, Natural Basketry and the very popular Pizza and Focaccia workshop—take a look inside to see the other fantastic workshops we are running.We are putting out an expres...

October 16, 2021

From the Coordinator, Maddison Redpath:

From the Coordinator, Maddison Redpath:It’s hard to believe we are now more than half way through the year. This year so far, like last year, has come with it’s hurdles and challenges. It’s been great to see the community come together as one and support our local businesses, neighbours and each other.The Leongatha Men's Shed have completed the produce cart that will sit outside the Leongatha Community House. If you have any extra produce in your garden, we would love it for our cart. The ...

July 5, 2021

From the Coordinator, Maddison Redpath:

Leongatha Community House has had a great term 1, with all of the old programs recommencing and all of our new programs starting we can proudly say the House has been buzzing. We have lots of new workshops starting this term, be sure to check them out. Leongatha Community House is so excited to be partnering with the Leongatha Yooralla Community Hub to be delivering a community lunch once a week, this program is called “Meet n’ Eat”. Weekly the group will be preparing meals for the commu...

April 7, 2021

From the Coordinator, Maddison Redpath:

If 2020 has taught the Leongatha Community House anything, it was to be adaptable and creative on how best to respond to community need throughout numerous lock downs and the restrictions we all faced in 2020 due to COVID-19.We thank our volunteers who assisted the Community House with our community shopping for vulnerable people & we thank the community for their patience when we were moving some of our programs to Zoom.We are so excited to finally be able to release a new program to the commun...

January 14, 2021

Co-ordinator's Report

Welcome back to the Leongatha Community House. WOW - what a year so far.I hope everyone has stayed safe throughout the Pandemic; it has been an exceedingly difficult time for many.With restrictions beginning to ease we have heard a lot of stories about people reassessing what is important to them and we are happy to hear the LCH has mad the list for a lot of those people. With the House slowly reopening we have had to change our timetable which you will be able to find on the program page of thi...

July 1, 2020

Welcome to 2020 and our new Coordinator Maddie

Welcome back every-one our 1st newsletter for 2020.  I hope every-one had a wonderful break and looking forward to 2020. I would like to welcome our NEW Co-Ordinator Maddison (Maddie), her smiling face will welcome you to the House, we will all get to know Maddie over the next few weeks. Our new programme is available located near our sign in sheets. Check online for our Web page or on our Facebook location, I would like to Thank Jill for her work keeping us up to date, most of ou...

February 3, 2020


From  the Coordinator; Just a short note this time around, to say that I hope you enjoy this edition of the newsletter, and to say a HUGE “thank-you” to Toni for preparing this every fortnight. For those of you who use the Internet, I encourage you to “like” and follow our Facebook page as well, because we share information there too that you might find interesting. No special events this fortnight; our usual range of wonderful groups and activities keeps going though, so please tak...

October 24, 2019

Term 4, 2019

Welcome to Term 4! Warmer weather is here, the days are lengthening out, Daylight Savings Time is in, and Christmas is on its way.The Community House continues to offer a growing and diverse program of groups, activities, and events.If you’re digitally-connected, please “like” our Facebook page to keep up-to-date with life around the House; or drop in to collect our fortnightly newsletters that will keep you informed on all the latest news and snippets.As always, if you are interested in a...

September 19, 2019 Posts 1-19 of 19 | Page

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